Copyright (c) 1985, Landon Curt Noll & Larry Bassel. All Rights Reserved. Permission for personal, educational or non-profit use is granted provided this this copyright and notice are included in its entirety and remains unaltered. All other uses must receive prior permission in writing from both Landon Curt Noll and Larry Bassel. WARNING: The rules and mailing address for the contest change from year to year. Be sure that you consult the current set of rules before submitting entries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is time once again for the net wide Obfuscated C code contest! GOAL: To write the most Obscure working C program under the rules below: RULES: 1) The source must be 512 bytes or less. 2) Mail your entries to: ...!ihnp4!nsc!chongo Postings to the net will NOT be used! 3) Include at the top of the letter: a) Your name, and path from a major network node. If you want your entry to be anonymous, indicate this as well. b) A brief statement of what the program should do. c) The machine/opsys on which it runs. 4) Enclose your source between the following lines: ---start of program--- ---end of program--- 5) The C program must be written in common C. That is, K&R plus common extensions (say 4.2 or Sys V C) 6) The program must be of original work. 7) The program must be a complete program. (i.e., not just a fragment) 8) Entries must be received by me on or before June 8, 1985. POINTS: Each entry will be judged for its non-clarity. I will attempt to run each of them on a Vax 780/4.2BSD system. Don't let the lack of such a system stop you! Try to avoid operating system/machine specific code if you do not have such a system. Extra points will be given for program that: a) Able to pass lint without complaint b) Actually does something interesting (not just exit) c) are portable (i.e., no special calls of local features) (long variable names will be allowed as needed) The names of the winners will be posted to net.lang.c. The winning sources will be posted to net.sources. If you have any questions on the rules/points above, just ask via mail! chongo /\??/\