IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

rpm.html for 2018/ferguson

An RPM: what kind of absolute MADNESS is this ?

What kind of crazy idea is this? Install an IOCCC entry? I realise it seems odd (at best) so why did I make a rpm spec file and why did I hint at building RPMs for others? I can’t say precisely; certainly I’m under no impression that anyone else will want to use it but the entry was fun enough for me that I actually will (a number of my programs over the years are programs I actually install and I already have done so with this entry).

I already have my own RPM repository and initially after having won I set it up so that I could host the weasel rpm (binary and source) there. At the same time though I feel the entry belongs on the IOCCC website; that is to say the only place the raw files should be downloadable from is the IOCCC website itself. Simon Cooper (the judge who at the time dealt with setting up the entries on the IOCCC website) asked me if there is any real attachment in having the RPM built as part of the entry and the answer is ‘no’. He did suggest too that if I were to have the RPM hosted on the IOCCC website not only would it place a burden on me to keep it up to date (not that it ever needed to be updated) but it would place a burden on the judges. This is no longer true with GitHub but anyway since this was for personal reasons I decided that:

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