IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

index.html for 2020/endoh2

Opening crawl ROT13 decoder

The program contains dedicated font data for all uppercase alphabet letters.

The source code of the font is glyphs.txt, which is a sequence of chunks that is a ASCII code (65-90) followed by points data: x,y,ctrl.

If ctrl is 1, the point is used as control point for quadratic bézier curve.

code.c is the main logic for the program, which has some placeholders for font data and something else.

It decompresses the font data and renders a given text by projection. It exploits C99’s double complex type to represent 2D points, but carefully coded so that it does not require any math.h functions; you don’t have to pass -lm to cc.

tmpl.txt is a template for the program. gen.rb composes the all items and generates prog.c.

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