IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1984/anonymous - Dishonorable Mention


To build:

    make all

To use:


Alternate code:

The original version of this entry was added, by request, in order to show the code that was turned into the tattoo, as the alternate code. See below for the tattoo side-by-side with the code.

Alternate build:

    make alt

Alternate use:

NOTE: this version might not work on some systems like macOS.


Judges’ remarks:

The author was too embarrassed that they could write such trash, so I promised to protect their identity. I will say that the author of this program has a well known connection with the C programming language.

This program is a unique variation on the age old “hello, world!” program. What reads like a read may be written like a write!

In 2005 someone by the name of Thomas Scovell got a tattoo of this entry. See his web page on the Internet Wayback Machine for more information on the tattoo. Along with the code, this is what it looks like:

image of a tattoo of the 1984 anonymous C code

Author’s remarks:

On remaining anonymous:

Some years after this entry was published we asked the author if they still wished to remain anonymous and they said:

Yes, I want to keep my anonymity. But you can tell them that I am well known for my connection to the C language.

On the famous tattoo (see above):

The author, when told about this tattoo, said:

I feel honored that my entry will be the first IOCCC winning entry to become a tattoo. It is the first entry to become a tattoo isn’t it?

Landon Curt Noll, the one who told the author about the tattoo, wrote back:

Yes, to our knowledge it is.


Landon Curt Noll wrote that the author regrets not making the program a one-liner and not moving the int i into an arg of main() (so that the line would have started with main()). On the other hand the author likes the “two line look” and the way hell o was split. :-) And they like the fact that it ends in a smily face: ;}.

Inventory for 1984/anonymous

Primary files

Secondary files

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