IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1986/stein - Best one liner


To build:

    make all

To use:

    ./stein $(printf "\015\015"); echo



Judges’ remarks:

NOTE: to avoid problems with news and mail, the single line was split into 3 lines. Join all lines into a single line to recreate the original file.

The \015 in the above printf(1) command produces a control-N.

One some machines, a control-M control-N arg is needed to get the command to output cleanly:

    ./stein $(printf "\014\015"); echo

Your system may require another set of characters. In time, you will figure out what it does. :-)

Author’s remarks:

No remarks were provided by the author.

Inventory for 1986/stein

Primary files

Secondary files

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