IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1987/heckbert - Best obfuscator of programs


To build:

    make all

On System V systems, we had to compile with -Dindex=strchr. To compile on a 16 bit machine, change 300000 to 30000.

To use:

    ./heckbert col < file

where col is the number of columns to fold at and file is the file to fold.



Judges’ remarks:

Folding at the wrong length may be equivalent to a “Spindle or Mutilate” operation. For example:

    ./heckbert 40 < heckbert.c > ph.c ; make ph ; ./ph 20 < heckbert.c > bar.c ; make bar

Try not to Fold, Spindle or Mutilate files. :-)

The judges used this program to fold up very long lines which the BSD fold(1) was unable to process. This program has been added to the contest tool chest.

Author’s remarks:

No remarks were provided by the author.

Inventory for 1987/heckbert

Primary files

Secondary files

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