IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1987/korn - Best one liner


To build:

    make all

To use:


Judges’ remarks:

The Judges believe that this is the best one line entry ever received. Compile on a UNIX system, or at least one using a C implementation that fakes it. Very few people are able to determine what this program does by visual inspection. I suggest that you stop reading this section right now and see if you are one of the few people who can.

Several points are important to understand this program:

  1. What is the symbol unix and what is its value in the program? Clearly unix is not a function, and since unix is not declared to be a data type (such as int, char, struct foo, enum, …) what must unix be?

  2. What is the value of the symbol "have"? (hint: the value is NOT 4 characters, or 'h', or a string) Consider the fact that:

    char *x;

defines a pointer to a char (i.e. an address), and that the = assigns things of compatible types. Since:

    x = "have";

is legal C, what type of value is "have"?

  1. Note that the following expressions yield the same value:
    x[3]        *(x+3)    *(3+x)

since addition is commutative. What can be said about this value?


David Korn’s /bin/ksh provides us with a greatly improved version of the /bin/sh. The source for v7’s /bin/sh greatly inspired this contest.

Author’s remarks:

No remarks were provided by the author.

Inventory for 1987/korn

Primary files

Secondary files

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