IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1990/cmills - Best game


To build:

    make all

To use:

    ./cmills [starting_cash]


    ./cmills 5000

Judges’ remarks:

The Makefile uses several -D defines. The following is is a list of the macros that may be changed:

The macro V should remain void.

The author noted that a compiler being used assumed that x=*p++ means x*=p++ but do you know why? This is not so strange as it might seem if you look at C’s history. Example code where this occurs is in John Lions’ Commentary on the Sixth Edition UNIX Operating System.

Author’s remarks:

This is a blackjack program. It does splits, doubling down, insurance, etc.

As best I can figure, it should be ANSI-compliant, as well as portable to BSD & SysV (as well as the irritating compiler I was using which assumes x=*p++ means x*=p++!). It is reasonably robust in its error handling—it won’t let you split, double, etc. unless you actually have the cash, etc. To terminate the program, hit EOF or type 0 or a negative number for you wager.

The way it deals with splits is particularly cool (IMHO). You can split many times, and it will show all hands as they are played.

Inventory for 1990/cmills

Primary files

Secondary files

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