IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1991/cdupont - Most useful label


To build:

    make all

To use:


Judges’ remarks:

Why is the following label necessary?


Notice that if you C beautify (cb) or pre-process this program, it will no longer work correctly, if at all. Go ahead, try it… :-)

NOTE: One should remove the final trailing newline to obtain the original source file. This step is not needed to compile this entry.

Author’s remarks:

The source code holds the letters of the message. Each letter, combined with another key letter, is used to compute the coordinates of the next letter and key. Thus, the message is code. That is why I use silly comments, most often badly spaced.

The space character sequence between the words is given by a simple computation in an octal constant (given here as an hex value, of course).

This way, any message can be mixed into a code, since the keys allow you to place the meaningful letters wherever you want.

Inventory for 1991/cdupont

Primary files

Secondary files

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