IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1992/adrian - Most educational


To build:

    make all

Bugs and (Mis)features:

The current status of this entry is:


For more detailed information see 1992/adrian in bugs.html.



For the slow minded, try:

    ./adsleep 32767

Judges’ remarks:

Once you get past the obfuscation, you have an opportunity to learn about regular expressions and state machines.

NOTE: Some compilers have had trouble optimizing this entry.

Author’s remarks:

ADrian’s GREP (adgrep)

For those confused by the complexity of full-blown egrep(1) style regular expressions, this program offers an alternative. It implements an equivalent search, using a deterministic finite automaton.

A deterministic finite automaton consists of a finite set of states, along with transition rules to move from one state to another, an initial state, and a set of accepting states. The automaton takes a string as input and begins in the start state. It reads a character of the string and consults the rules for the current state, moving to the new state indicated by the appropriate rule. This process is repeated until the string is consumed. If the current state at this point is one of the accepting states, then the string is accepted.

The deterministic finite automaton is specified as a series of rules for each state:

    <state> chars1 <dest1> chars2 <dest2> ...

chars1 is a list of characters (only the first 8 are significant) which should trigger a transition to <dest1>. <dest1> is another state which should have a similar specification somewhere. A state is accepting if it is specified in square brackets: [final]; state strings are significant to only eight characters like chars1.

Example 1: matches ^abc$

    <q0> a <q1>   The first state to
                  appear is the
                  start state
    <q1> b <q2>
    <q2> c [q3]

Technically, a deterministic finite automaton should have a rule for each possible input character at each state. To simplify descriptions of the automata, if no rule is present, the string will not be accepted. Also, the . character matches any character if it occurs first in the character list.

Example 2: ^abc

    <q0> a <q1>
    <q1> b <q2>
    <q2> c [q3]
    [q3] . [q3]

Example 3: abc$

    <q0> a <q1> . <q0>
    <q1> b <q2> a <q1> . <q0>
    <q2> c [q3] a <q1> . <q0>
    [q3] . <q1>

Example 4: ^(abc)*$

    [q0] a <q1>
    <q1> b <q2>
    <q2> c [q0]

Example 5: ^[ab][cd][ef]$

    <q0> ab <q1>
    <q1> cd <q2>
    <q2> ef [q3]

Example 6: ^(abc|efg)$

    <q0> a <q1> e <q3>
    <q1> b <q2>
    <q2> c [q5]
    <q3> f <q4>
    <q4> g [q5]

With the automaton specification in filename, invoke the program by typing

    ./adrian filename

It will read the file and print out all the lines which the automaton accepts. If the file cannot be opened, a system error message will be printed. If the input contains errors, then an error message along with the number of the offending line will be printed to stderr. The number of rules for each state is limited to 17. If more than 17 rules are present, you get the error too_many_rules, and the state that was being processed is printed. Error no_destination occurs if you specify a set of characters, but no destination state, and error too_many_states occurs if your automaton has more than 257 states.


    ./adrian from < your_mailbox

will perform a function similar to that of the unix from command.

If no filename is specified on the command line, then __FILE__ is used as the specification for the automaton. (Originally this was "adgrep.c" but the file was renamed to adrian.c by the judges and for more portability the arg was changed to __FILE__.) In this case, the program will search for matches to the regular expression:


I suggest using adrian.c as input, and storing the output in adwc.c:

    ./adrian < adrian.c > adwc.c

Compiling the new file, adwc.c, yields a clone of the unix wc command. It runs on one file, defaulting to "adrian.c" if no file is given (again, this was changed to be __FILE__) and displays the number of lines, words, and bytes in the input file.

Another possibly interesting automaton can be created by slightly adjusting the adrian.c file. Change the first line to read

    /* . echo| . */

and repeat the process above

    ./adrian <adrian.c > adecho.c

The new file now contains all lines which match


Compile and run. This is an echo(1) clone. Note the efficient algorithm employed.

Two other adjustments to the first line also yield useful results. By changing it to

    /* . head; . */

you can search for matches to


By some freak happenstance, lines of adrian.c which match this regular expression form a unix head(1) command. It prints the first ten lines of the file specified on the command line or adrian.c if no file is specified (again this was changed to __FILE__).

By setting the first line to

    /* . basename . */

a clone of the unix basename(1) command can be unearthed. The automaton will search for


on standard input. And the program which results by running adrian.c through this filter requires two parameters. The first is meant to be a filename, and the second, an extension. All leading pathname components are removed from the filename, and the extension is removed if present. The resulting base name is printed to stdout.

Lastly, by setting the first line to

    /* . sleep . */

you can search for


Filtering adrian.c through this search yields a clone of the sleep(1) command. Invoke with a single integer parameter, and it will pause for that many seconds.

If either adbasename or adsleep is invoked with too few parameters, the program will print the error message:

    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

(The exact text of the above error messages varies from machine to machine.) The four programs which read from stdin require lines shorter than 999 characters.

The other info files are adrian.grep.[1-6] which contain the six examples that appear above, and from, which is used to emulate the unix from command. For reasons of clarity, the name "from" should probably not be changed if possible. I wouldn’t want to be accused of confusing people by giving the input files weird names.

If you want to change the default input filename (line 80) you must be careful to choose a name that doesn’t match the wrong search patterns, introducing extra lines into one of the programs (again, this was changed to be __FILE__).

The program will produce at least one warning and possible several when compiled depending on the compiler.

Inventory for 1992/adrian

Primary files

Secondary files

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