IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1992/ant - Best utility


To build:

    make all

The author provided us with an unobfuscated version. See Alternate code below.

To use:

    ./ant Makefile

    ./ant Makefile rule

where Makefile is a Makefile to use and rule is an optional rule to use.



Alternate code:

This version, ant.alt.c, was provided by the author in 2024, and is an unobfuscated version.

Alternate build:

    make alt

Alternate use:

Use ant.alt as you would ant above.



Judges’ remarks:

Like much of POSIX, obfuscation has its place. Your task is to figure out where.

This entry comes complete with a POSIX-like command description. Interested POSIX balloters should lobby the IEEE for an obfuscated P1003 subcommittee.

Author’s remarks:

See the file ant.README.txt.

Inventory for 1992/ant

Primary files

Secondary files

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