IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1993/jonth - Most obfuscated X program


To build:

    make all

NOTE: this entry requires the X11/Xlib.h header file and the X11 library to compile. For more information see the FAQ on “X11”.

To use:

    ./jonth     # must be run on an X11 server

Judges’ remarks:

Use h and l to shift objects left or right. Use k to rotate and press SPACE to drop.

This program’s output may be even more obfuscated when played on inverse video. :-)

Author’s remarks:

This is jonth (jon's t(h)etris) for the X Window System.

This program is also an example of data abstraction. The X array is after initialization hidden by the well defined macros t, u and F.

This program is highly portable as it runs on a “Notebook” size SPARC. This program will not work on machines where sizeof(int)!=sizeof(void *).

Inventory for 1993/jonth

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Secondary files

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