IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1993/schnitzi - Obfuscated Intelligence Award

answers questions about English text in a file


To build:

    make all

Bugs and (Mis)features:

The current status of this entry is:


For more detailed information see 1993/schnitzi in bugs.html.

To use:

    ./schnitzi file


file is a file containing some text.

Certain input will cause the program to fail as described in 1993/schnitzi in bugs.html.


    # ask some questions suggested by the author, noted below

We also suggest you ask the program the following questions:

    Who is Mark Schnitzus?

    Who was Jack the Ripper ?

Notice how it still manages to answer the first question despite there being an intentional spelling error there.

Try feeding the program source to the program and ask both:

    What is cat ?
    What is cat?

What happens if you ask it other questions with and without a space before the ??

Judges’ remarks:

After this program prints the contents of ‘file’, ask it some questions related to the text.

The author suggests the following questions when using

We suggest you try using the body (minus the header and signature line) of a Usenet article. You might want to try something from alt.flame. :-)

NOTE: If you have certain ' in the question this entry might fail.

Author’s remarks:

I wanted to write a program that would read in a text file in natural language (such as English) and answer questions about that text file. I thought this might be a complicated task, and I was right – it took me over 800 bytes. Of course, it doesn’t always work, but that’s AI for you.

This program accepts the name of a text file as the first parameter. For example, to run it on the supplied data file called ‘’ you would type ./schnitzi It echoes the file, then gives you a prompt where you may type in questions about that text. The more words you use which are actually present in the text file, the better results you get. You’ll need to hit ctrl-c to break out of the program. Just hitting return at the prompt will reprint the paragraph.

If you’re curious as to how it works, I guess you could feed in the source as the input file and ask “How does this work?” at the prompt, but I’m not guaranteeing any results…

Compilation notes


The text for the info file, by the way, consists largely of headlines from the Weekly World News.

Inventory for 1993/schnitzi

Primary files

Secondary files

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