IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1994/tvr - Best X11 program


To build:

    make all

NOTE: this entry requires the X11/Xlib.h header file and the X11 library to compile. For more information see the FAQ on “X11”.

The author provided a less obfuscated version as alternate code. See Alternate code below.

Bugs and (Mis)features:

The current status of this entry is:


For more detailed information see 1994/tvr in bugs.html.

To use:

    ./tvr mode screensize/2 < colormapfile

Mode may be a value from 0 to 12.


    ./              # for colour displays
    ./                 # for Black & White displays

Alternate code:

NOTICE to those who wish for a greater challenge:

If you want a greater challenge, don’t read any further: just try to understand the program without looking at the Alternate code.

If you get stuck, come back and look at the Alternate code.

The author provided us a less obfuscated version that might be of interest to some.

Alternate build:

    make alt

Alternate use:

    ./tvr.alt altmode screensize/2 < colormapfile

where altmode 1 - 4 correspond to mode 0 - 3 in the original entry and altmode 0 calculates Mandelbrot/Julian sets correctly.

Alternate try:

    ./          # for colour displays
    ./             # for Black & White displays

Judges’ remarks:

This entry requires the use of X11. It will form two windows (hopefully your window manager will ask you where to place these in your display) which you should place side by side. Move the cursor around in one of the two windows and watch what happens.

The fractally minded may be able to detect that mode 0 does not calculate Mandelbrot/Julian sets correctly. Can you find the bug? Better still, can you fix it without breaking something else?

Author’s remarks:

Interactive Fractals for X Window System

This program contains four pairs of fractals/effects and three methods of animating them. There are two windows for a pair of fractals, one of which contains static fractal (e.g., Mandelbrot set) and the other an animating one (e.g., Julia set) which is derived from the same formula as the static one. Only one pair of fractals can be displayed in one process.

To animate the fractal, you must move your mouse on the static fractal window and the animated fractal will be calculated based on mouse coordinates. If you are on one of the two non-stable modes (more about them later) you can stabilize the picture by pressing a mouse button. Pressing it does nothing on stable mode.

The three modes are:

On Mandelbrot/Julia mode the stable mode calculates normal Julia set according to the Mandelbrot coordinates (mouse position). On non-stable modes the picture slowly transforms to the same picture as on the stable mode but transformation can take some time. Usually, and especially if changes are relatively small between mouse movements or frame rate is high, the non-stable mode makes much more interesting effects IMHO. The difference between the two non-stable modes is that the first tries to stabilize the picture. It doesn’t stabilize much, but it helps in some cases quite a lot. One notable case where help can be seen is when you first move your mouse to non-black areas of the Mandelbrot set, then back to near the center. In some cases ‘attractor searcher’ can be seen as noise.

The first of the fractal pairs is Mandelbrot/Julia set as mentioned before. The second is a variation of that. The third makes nice 3D-look-a-like effects and the fourth is a variation of that with more nice effects.


    ./tvr mode screensize/2 < colormapfile

The first parameter is the operating-mode of the program. There are 4 fractal pairs and 3 display modes, making total of 12 modes. screensize is half of the actual screenlength/width. I.e. if you use 128 as a second parameter, you will get two 256x256 windows.

The program needs reasonable values for both of these parameters to operate. A good first try could be 0 128 or 8 128. The colormap has to be redirected into the programs standard input via the colormapfile parameter as shown above.

Note that you will need approximately (second_parameter^2)*64 bytes of free main memory or the machine will swap heavily (memory references are quite random and may confuse paging algorithms easily). This means that for 512x512 windows you will need 4M of memory.


This is the file from which program reads colors for screen colormap. The first line of the file must be a number between 3..254. This informs the program how many colors there are to be expected. This is also the maximum number of iterations used on picture calculations. Lines after that are X11 color names. The program expects to find, and will use, the number of colors reported on the first line.

There are two colormapfiles to start with. One with colors and another with only black and white. If you have enough colors on your display you can use the one with colors (even on grayscale). The other is meant mainly for a one bit plane display (on which the picture looks terrible compared to a 8 bit plane display).


You should compile this entry with an optimizing compiler with the highest level of optimization possible. You will also need an ANSI compatible compiler (gcc -ansi -pedantic will do fine).

This entry has been tested on wide variety of machines including:

    Machine             OS
    -------             --
    Decstation 5000/240 Ultrix 4.3A
    DECAlpha 3000/300   OSF/1 v1.3
                        and v2.0
    IBM RS6000          AIX v3
    SPARCStation IPX    SunOS 4.1.3
    i486                Linux v1.1.8
                        3576 bytes
                        `gcc -O6 -s -N` ;)
    HP 9000/730         HP-UX

Also, many of the X server and X library versions have been tested and the program should be highly portable. The program may slow down considerably on machines where table references are slow as the program makes extensive use of them. Also, due to the huge amount of data sent to the X server, considerable slowdown can be noticed if the X server is slow or especially if the connection between the X server and the client is slow. (Don’t try this on 9600 bps modem line. I did ;) )


Obfuscation is done on different levels. Almost none of it is made at the macro level, so cpping the code won’t give you much. Perhaps most notable is the algorithmic obfuscation. Simple formula has been turned into something completely different. Also it may be a surprise to find out which piece of the code calculates non-stable fractals and how it does that. Many obfuscations were left out of the program because speed of animation was one of the key issues. Well, obfuscated or not, some of the effects are very nice ;)

Memory refreshment

Mandelbrot set is calculated from the formula

    Z   = Z  + Z
     n+1   n    0

and the Julia set is calculated from the formula

    Z   = Z  + C
     n+1   n

where C is the same throughout the picture. Both calculation are finished when |Z| >= 2.0. For the other fractals, the basic methods are the same but the formula is different (look at the source ;) )

Note that Mandelbrot and Julia on this program aren’t exactly correct. Find out why ;)


Inventory for 1994/tvr

Primary files

Secondary files

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