IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1995/dodsond2 - Best game


To build:

    make all

To use:


Judges’ remarks:

An amazing entry!

The official chef enjoyed solving the maze, which she did on the first attempt.

Author’s remarks:

Interactive 3D Maze

Step into a randomly generated 3D maze and try to get out alive! Use the vi movement keys (hjkl) to move on a level, and u or d to move (u)p or (d)own from a position with a U or D on the map. To simulate the feeling of being in an unknown labyrinth, areas which you have not visited cannot be seen.

Reach the north-west left corner of level 1 to exit.

Inventory for 1995/dodsond2

Primary files

Secondary files

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