IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1996/eldby - Best output


To build:

    make alt

We recommend that you use the alt version to see what the entry looked like back in 1996. For the original version see the original code section.

To use:


To quit send intr (typically ctrl-c).

NOTE: to reset the sanity of your terminal after this program ends try reset.


This alternate version, which we recommend that you use in order to see what is happening with modern systems, and to not flash too quickly, which can be problematic for some people, can be configured to different speeds by way of the value used in usleep(). The default is 35000 but you can easily change it. To do so try:

    make SLEEP=20000 clobber alt

Original code:

This version is the original which has no sleep time in between updates.

Original build:

    make all

Original use:

Use ./eldby as you would ./eldby.alt above.

Judges’ remarks:

We were impressed by the author’s ability to render spheres in 3D in a very small chunk of code.

Author’s remarks:

This program shows flying spheres. The program eats CPU on lesser equipped systems. The program will run until termination. Terminals must be VT100 or better with 80 columns and 24 rows or more.

Inventory for 1996/eldby

Primary files

Secondary files

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