IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2001/schweikh - Best one liner


To build:


Bugs and (Mis)features:

The current status of this entry is:


For more detailed information see 2001/schweikh in bugs.html.

To use:

    ./schweikh string string2

This program will very likely crash or do something else if you do not give it two args.

Note also that the glob pattern must match the whole string. See the author’s comments for details and a workaround.

There’s also no way to escape meta characters.



Judges’ remarks:

Do you get the pattern here?

Author’s remarks:

This one-liner program is a glob pattern matcher. It understands the glob characters * meaning ‘zero or more characters’ and ? meaning exactly one character, just like your unix shell.

Run it with two args, the string and the glob pattern. The exit status is 0 (shell true) when the pattern matches, 1 otherwise. The glob pattern must match the whole string, so you may want to use * at the beginning and end of the pattern if you are looking for something in the middle.

You can use it for your shell scripting needs similar to a silent grep (and without stdout redirected to /dev/null):

    if prog "${VARIABLE}" '<glob>'; then
        echo VARIABLE matches
        echo no match


There is no way to escape the meta characters. Dammit Jim, I’m a one-liner, not a regexp lib.

All obfuscation is obviously in the recursive m() function, an 86 character glob pattern evaluator, returning nonzero for a match:

The recursion wonderfully and magically takes care of iteration and backtracking. I could tell you how it works but then I would have to kill request a NDA from you :-) Run it under a debugger with several inputs, it will be quite helpful and instructive. Handling of ? is straightforward; for * start out with *foo and foo* against foo. How does it deal with sequences of adjacent *? How could this be improved? If all else fails, recode the ?: operators with if/else and try again. For extra credit implement character classes like [a-z].

Inventory for 2001/schweikh

Primary files

Secondary files

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