IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2005/aidan - Most ingenious puzzle solution


To build:


There is an alternate version based on the author’s remarks. See Alternate code.

To use:

    ./aidan < puzzle

    ./aidan seed

where seed is a number.



Alternate code:

This code is formatted differently and is not the approach used by the author; it is slower, inelegant and not as obscure, as the author put it.

Alternate build:

    make alt

Alternate use:

Use aidan.alt as you would aidan above.

Alternate try:


Judges’ remarks:

Are you puzzled about puzzles? This entry might puzzle you more while it puzzles out some puzzles: all in a puzzling way!

goto the source and notice the lack of functions. Jump to the switch statement. And if you think you can puzzle it out better, try solving insane1.sudoku all by yourself!

NOTE: the tarball named by the author was removed after the files were extracted into the directory instead. These files were added to the list.

Author’s remarks:

This program can solve a type of logic puzzle known as a Sudoku, and also generate new ones.


Yes, the test suite really is 5 times larger than the actual program. You did say this was a parody of the software development process…


test.perl expects the sudoku-sf executable to be ./sudoku-sf. If you rename it, please change the definition of $sf_exe to the new name.

Judges’ note: this was done.

This program comes with NO WARRANTY, not even that it’ll do what I say it should. Any misfortunes that occur as a result of using this are not my fault. Go find some unpopular multinational to sue instead.

This program is not copyrighted and is entirely my work. Distribute or modify it as you wish, though please give me credit.

What is a sudoku?

(If you know, feel free to skip this section. Get more details from the wikipedia entry.

A sudoku is a type of logic puzzle. You are given a grid of 9x9 boxes, some of which contain digits. This is divided into a 3x3 set up, e.g. (from the Wikipedia article - fairly easy):

        . . . | 1 . . | 7 4 .
        . 5 . | . 9 . | . 3 2
        . . 6 | 7 . . | 9 . .
        4 . . | 8 . . | . . .
        . 2 . | . . . | . 1 .
        . . . | . . 9 | . . 5
        . . 4 | . . 7 | 3 . .
        7 3 . | . 2 . | . 6 .
        . 6 5 | . . 4 | . . .

You have to fill in the remaining boxes so that each row, column, and smaller box contains all of the digits 1-9. That’s all the information I needed to figure out how to solve them, but there’s a useful tutorial on, which is roughly affiliated with the Daily Telegraph, a UK newspaper.

Now, with modern computers this can be solved using brute force, e.g.:

    #include <stdio.h> /* sudoku-bfi.c */
    #define S(t) for(n=0;n<9;v[n++]=0);for(n=0;n<81;n++)if(i[n]){z=1<<i[n];if(v[t]\\
    &z)for(;;){if(p<0)goto d;if(i[p]++<9)goto f;i[p]=0;p=s[p];}v[t]|=z;}
    int i[82],s[81],v[9],n,p,z;int main(void){for(n=0;n<81;){p=getchar()^48;if(p==
    d;for(n=p;i[++p];);s[p]=n;i[p]=1;goto f;d:z=p<81;printf("\n%s!\n\n",z?"Fail":
    "Success");for(n=0;n<81;){p=i[n];printf("%c %s",(p?p|48:'.'),(++n%3?"":n%9?"| "
    :n%27?"\n":n%81?"\n------+-------+------\n":"\n\n"));}return z;}

Judges’ note: this was added as aidan.alt.c.

That isn’t the approach I’ve used; it’s slow (particularly in worst-case or nearly so scenarios), inelegant, and not a good starting point for sudoku generation. It’s also much too easy to understand ;-) Instead, I’ve written a program which solves them in much the same way as I do, only a lot faster (and hopefully more reliably).

Oh, and if you think that example sudoku is too easy, try this one (which my program generated):

    --- insane1.sudoku --
    . . 4 | . . . | . 5 6
    5 . . | . 7 2 | . . .
    . . 1 | . . . | 8 . .
    . . . | . . . | . . .
    . . . | 6 9 3 | . . 5
    . . . | . . . | 7 3 4
    . 5 . | 2 . 1 | 4 . 8
    3 . . | . . . | . . .
    . . . | . . . | . 6 1

Be warned - it’s evil! (I certainly haven’t been able to solve it by hand. The brute-force program given above, sudoku-bfi.c, aidan.alt.c, also has trouble - it took 66 seconds to solve it - but probably for different reasons. That’s the worst performance I’ve had from brute-force so far!)



    cc -o sudoku-sf sudoku-sf.c

or, if using gcc, try:

    gcc -O2 -Wall -Wextra -ansi -pedantic-errors -o sudoku-sf sudoku-sf.c

Testing (optional)

    perl ./test-su.perl

Note that this requires Perl 5 (I use 5.8.5, earlier versions untested) and is somewhat slow (should take under a minute on a fairly modern PC - try appending -n 0 if you’re in a hurry). I wrote it mostly for my own benefit, really.


    ./aidan < somefile.txt

Input should be the numbers of each row in turn. Empty spaces can be represented as a full stop (.) or zero (0). Other characters are ignored, so you can cut-and-paste either example sudoku puzzle from above into a file and feed that in. The program has coped with every input I’ve thrown at it so far, including an empty grid.

Output consists of the problem, then the solution, then a message of success/failure.

./aidan U may also be useful, or perhaps not. It only took an extra 15 bytes of (very simple) code to add, so it doesn’t really matter to me. (It’s the same as the normal mode for most input you’re likely to feed it, though slightly slower. See if you can figure out what it does.)


    ./sudoku <seed>

Output is a blank grid, then the solution, then the problem. There’s no control over the difficulty. Sorry. However, all generated sudokus should have exactly one solution - if one doesn’t, that’s a bug.


Fast enough. Solving and generating are practically instant on my 1Ghz Duron. Of course, there could be some cases which take longer…

More precisely - 400 random sudokus are generated and solved in about 45 seconds in tests on my PC (1Ghz Duron, gcc 3.4.1, -O2 optimisation - takes about 60 seconds with no optimisation). If that isn’t fast enough, what on Earth are you doing with it?


None known - hopefully I’ve worked out all the major ones. Nothing has come up in testing since the last bug fix, but what does that mean?

Tested on:

RETEST Borland C 4.5, 16-bit DOS .exe (small memory model)

I don’t count the fact that it first prints a blank grid whenever asked to generate a sudoku as a bug - just a minor quirk. The fix is slightly awkward and would make the program slightly longer, so I haven’t bothered - it’s not important.

Missing Features


Dependant on ASCII, requires that an int is at least 15 bits and a long at least 32. (No, that isn’t a typo - I did say 15, not 16).

Also requires that cpp can properly handle something like:

    #define foo(x,y) x y

Apparently, a few can’t (ANSI C specifically doesn’t require that this works, though it usually does). Unfortunately, I didn’t discover this issue until too late. (It was mentioned in the notes for people modifying GCC in the “beware of obscure compiler limitations” section, so I’m figuring it’s quite unusual.)

Compiler warnings

Some when compiled with gcc -Wall -Wextra -ansi -pedantic:

Borland C also spots some code in expressions which has no effect, and some uses of = where you’d expect a comparison operator.


Let’s see now:

So basically, just what you’d normally expect in an IOCCC entry.

Inventory for 2005/aidan

Primary files

Secondary files

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