IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2005/giljade - Best 2D puzzle


To build:


NOTE: We FORCE the use of -O0 even if someone overrides it because this entry will not work with it enabled.

Bugs and (Mis)features:

The current status of this entry is:


For more detailed information see 2005/giljade in bugs.html.

To use:




Self-test feature to try:

    ./giljade > out
    ./giljade out

NOTE: will ask you if you wish to do this.

Judges’ remarks:

This entry takes editorial in how it deals with its output. After using vi(1) (or vim(1)) to look at the source, use vi(1) (or vim(1)) to look at its output. We especially recommend it on a 78 column xterm while leaning on Control-F.

If you really understand expressions, then understand this:


… and understand why it is found in the source code.

Author’s remarks:

So what do we have here ?

Just run the executable with no command line args and look at the output. In order to properly enjoy it you will need two good old programs: xterm(1) and vi(1) (or vim(1)). Do the following: open an xterm(1) with precisely 78 lines, and use the tiny font size for best results. Then vi(1) (vim(1) will also do) the output. Type ^F repeatedly or hold it down and enjoy the show …

The program solves (very very fast) a sliding block puzzle. There are many variants of such puzzles which are usually made from wood or plastic pieces. The start position can be recognized by looking at the program itself. The goal is to move the big piece (2 by 2) to the center top, which takes 179 steps in the shortest move sequence.

Notice that the step count used by the program is longer than the traditional step count for such puzzles, as normally if the same piece is moved twice in a row it is counted as only one step, but here it is counted as two.

The printout of the solution however is in a rather unorthodox form, as can be easily discerned. As you have probably suspected each of the steps in the solution printout is a C program which compiles to result in - surprise surprise! - the original (well almost).

Actually, This program is smarter than merely printing ITSELF in 180 different layouts. It is self-improving, in that the programs it prints have three advantages over the original:

  1. Their layout is more precise (Notice the annoying \ at the 10’th line of the original program which is actually a ‘layout bug’).

  2. Their binary output does not rely on the source file being in the same directory, and will not dump core if it doesn’t (like the original does). :)

  3. They have much more comments (Not very helpful ones though).

In addition as we all know bugs can creep up on us in the most unexpected of places, and checking that indeed the output is composed of 180 legal C programs by hand can be quite tedious, hence the program also include a self- test mode. Just run it with the output file as command line argument. It will then try to compile each of the programs (printing the line number where the program starts). It will stop where any compilation fails and the culprit program would be in the file c.c. The exit code of the self-test will be non-zero in that case. In case this entry wins, I do hope nobody by the name of ‘c’ also wins this year otherwise that part of the program would have to be changed!

Notice that the self-test does not try to run the result of the compilations but this can easily be done. Try it and diff the output of any of the 180 results with the original output. Of course all 180 programs also include the self-test mode.

Why I think this program is obfuscated

Known Bugs/problems/warnings/portability issues

Some cpps issue a warning about empty macro parameters.

-pedantic informs me that ‘ISO C’ does not allow extra ; outside of a function, and to this I say to ISO what ???

-Wall of course will suggest adding a lot of parenthesis, function prototypes, and remove some unnecessary expressions, and to this I say: if I listen to you where is my freedom to obfuscate in style?

As mentioned earlier if you try to run the original program without its source in the working directory it will dump core.

The program relies heavily on the ASCII coding system (have I seen this comment before ?). It also implicitly assumes that sizeof(int) = sizeof(FILE *). On systems when that is not the case expect a core dump…


What use are the ;; for ?

Why do I use 126& in the program? (except for the rather obvious fact that it serves as comment obfuscater).

Why not write s^= instead of s=s^ In the expression I’m most proud of ?

What is 40-(h&62) doing ?

Use the program to solve for a different starting position. It is not that difficult. Notice however that if there are more than two empty spaces the outputs would not compile as the layout would not be sufficient to contain the program.

Use the program to solve for board size different than 4*5. That’s a bit more tricky.

Hint for the challenges

Just try to change the program, and use the self test to see what happens …

Inventory for 2005/giljade

Primary files

Secondary files

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