IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2005/vik - Most circuitous walk


To build:


NOTE: this entry requires the X11/Xlib.h header file and the X11 library to compile. For more information see the FAQ on “X11”.

To use:

    ./vik []



Judges’ remarks:

An amazing use of the X libraries with twisty code passages, all different. One risks running in code path circles as main() is called again and again. Be sure to pay attention to commas! :-)

Author’s remarks:

This entry is a Wolfenstein style graphics engine where a user can navigate in a 3D world. The maze has walls with bitmap textures. The application contains a default world with textures, but the power of the engine is exposed through user configured maps. User defined worlds support up to 26 different wall textures that can even be animated. One example of a user defined world is submitted with the entry.


This program is a complete 3D engine with

Build and Run

Compile the source code and link in X libraries if necessary. The program takes three options which have to be typed in a specific order as described below.

    ./vik [-w <width>] [mapfile]

where width specifies the width of the window and mapfile is the filename containing a map.


Start the engine using a built in labyrinth and texture bitmaps:


Start the engine and loads the labyrinth defined in the file


Start the engine using in a window that is 400 pixels wide:

    ./vik -w 400

Note that the mapfile has to be the last argument and the -w option if present has to be the first. The map definition files and the bitmap files should be located in the current directory.

Use the cursor keys to navigate through the labyrinth.

Creating mazes

A maze consists of a map file and texture bitmap files. The map file is an ASCII text file where lower case letters represent walls. The letter tells the engine what bitmap texture file to use. The * character lets the engine know where to position the user. The example below shows how a map file can look:

    a           a
    a      *    a
    a    bbbb   cccccccc
    c                  c

The engine loads the map, and creates walls. When a character in the range a-z is found, the engine will load the corresponding texture bitmap. The bitmap file must be named *.bmp where * is substituted with the letter of the wall in the map (note that only a, b and c exist).

So to load the map above, the files a.bmp, b.bmp, and c.bmp should be located in the same directory as the engine executable (or rather in the current directory).


The program is obfuscated in several ways:

Compiler warnings

There are no compiler warnings when compiling with -ansi but there are quite a few warnings from lclint. Mainly because the program is very optimized for code size.


The program only compiles and runs on X based systems.

The program does not run that smooth under Cygwin. It seems to be a priority issue with Cygwin and it can easily be solved by increasing the priority of the application a little bit.

Inventory for 2005/vik

Primary files

Secondary files

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