IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2006/birken - EDAMAME Award


To build:


Bugs and (Mis)features:

The current status of this entry is:

STATUS: uses gets() - change to fgets() if possible

For more detailed information see 2006/birken in bugs.html.

To use:

    ./birken < file.tofu



Judges’ remarks:


A: Electronic Design Automation - Mechanical Abstract Machine Emulator

What is TOFU? It’s not a veggie friendly food, nor it is Verilog or VHDL It is not even Pascal!

NOTE: On some systems, file(1) claims one of the .tofu files is Pascal source. :-)

It may not be the most readable hardware description language, but it is one of the easiest 55 page long manuals to learn. :-)

For a small but non-trivial design, try implementing a Linear Feedback Shift Register

And for those who are still confused, see and

Author’s remarks:

If man is capable of creating tofu hot dogs (simulated meat), then why not tofu circuitry (simulated circuits)? This program is my tribute to the early computer pioneers like Konrad Zuse. It’s an educational tool designed to introduce students to digital circuit theory using technology that was considered state of the art in the 1940s! To enable you to fully understand the capabilities of this circuit simulator, I have included a 55 page manual, info.pdf, in the info portion of the entry submission.

The primary obfuscation is the data structure chosen for parsing the input file and for executing the simulation. Oh man… coding that data structure gave me such a bad headache. But, I figure, who needs more than a pair anyway? Subtle obfuscations abound. Bonus points go out to the one who discovers the hidden program within the source.

Note that the shape of the source is a wave, not a waveform.

Inventory for 2006/birken

Primary files

Secondary files

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