IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2012/kang - Best short program


To build:


There is alternate code which fixes some German at the expense of other German. See Alternate code below for the (fun) rationale here.

To use:

    echo "full spelling of an English cardinal numeral less than a quadrillion" | ./kang


    ./ # try various languages

    ./ # English 0 through 13

    ./ # German 0 through 13 with both umlauts and without (additional 'e')

How does it have no u or o in a string in the source code and yet it gets uno right?

Alternate code:

This alternate code fixes the program that would throw off those who know German where the sound of ‘V’ is ‘F’ and so the program had the letter be ‘F’. A problem, however, with changing it is that it breaks other words including in German. Thus there is the alternate version instead which fixes a problem for Germans that causes problems for Germans so if you’re German you’ll just have to deal with it :-) It also breaks other words too and this happens only for one letter change. With this one should hopefully be able to really appreciate the subtlety of this entry even more.

Alternate build:

    make alt

Alternate use:

    echo "full spelling of an English cardinal numeral less than a quadrillion" | ./kang.alt

    echo vier | ./kang.alt

    echo uno | ./kang.alt

Alternate try:

    ./ # try various languages

    ./ # English 0 through 13

    ./ # German 0 through 13 with both umlauts and without (additional 'e')

What does it get right? What does it get wrong? How does it compare to the original entry without the change of f to v?

Finally why does it get wrong what it gets wrong?

Judges’ remarks:

The judges were able to appreciate the Indo-European language family relation by making this entry successfully recognize some French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish numerals.

Also worth mentioning is this entry’s ability to understand the colloquial year numbers of the last millennium.

We’ve added a linefeed to the print format for convenience.

Can you explain why:

    echo f hundr|./kang

correctly reports 500 but:

    echo hundr|./kang

does not report 100, instead printing 0?

Author’s remarks:


This short program reads a spelt number (e.g. forty-two) and writes a corresponding decimal number (e.g. 42). Too long for one-liners, alas, but it still qualifies as a short program as it has less than 0x100 bytes.

It accepts a variety of spelt numbers:

It does not accept some spelt numbers, which I found mostly irrelevant:


This program is quite portable, only requiring the following:

The design of the program explicitly allows for EOF even if it does not equal -1 (it has to be negative per the standard but not necessarily -1) and both signed char and unsigned char, for example. Furthermore it is endian-independent.

NOTICE to those who wish for a greater challenge:

If you want a greater challenge, don’t read any further: just try to understand the program via the source.

If you get stuck, come back and read below for additional hints and information.

How this entry works:

Many obfuscations used are typical for standard IOCCC entries:

Other obfuscations are more subtle:

But the most important obfuscation is the clever construction of lookup table. The program uses 11 different characters required for recognizing 22 lexemes:

    zero        one         tw-         th(i)r-     fo(u)r-     fi-         six-
    seven-      eigh-       nin-        ten         eleven      twelve
    hundred(s)  thousand(s) million(s)  billion(s)  trillion(s)
    a           and         -teen       -ty

So that they are internally represented as like:

    r        n        tw-      tr-      fr-      f-       s-
    sn-      g-       nn-      tn       ln       twl
    nr(s)    tsan(s)  lln(s)   blln(s)  trlln(s)
    a        an       -tn      -ty

The stemmer recognizes the longest matching prefix, so every lexeme can be recognized by at most three characters (e.g. trl instead of trlln). This is also handy for ignoring plurals. But that would make it so that the table does not fit in the printable byte—112 is already almost 27!

The trick is to use octal; three characters (a, b and g) are interpreted as sequences of two characters (ny, nn and nw respectively). Asides from a smaller lookup table, it has many good consequences:

Having said this important trick, other details should be relatively easier to follow. The order of lookup table, for example, is very important, and the biggest constant 6177 is not arbitrarily chosen.

Even more obfuscation information is available.


The cleaner (size-optimized) version of this program was originally published in my website in July 2011. Sun Park and others have reviewed it and made me aware of possible improvements. I’d also like to thank Seo Sanghyeon for proof-reading remarks.

Inventory for 2012/kang

Primary files

Secondary files

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