- Name: J. David Lowe
Location: US - United States of America (United States)
To build:
Bugs and (Mis)features:
The current status of this entry is:
For more detailed information see 2013/dlowe in bugs.html.
To use:
./dlowe [number...]
where [number...]
is one or more number, space separated.
What is different about the above if you do something like:
echo 'IOCCC winning entry 2013/dlowe' > ioccc.txt
rm -f ioccc.txt
To make it simpler to see try showing just the different line like:
Judges’ remarks:
We liked how this entry used Unicode, specifically UTF-8, in a somewhat obfuscated way.
Also, why doesn’t it crash but instead produces a correct output when called with one argument or when all arguments are equal?
For extra fun, compile and run fun.c:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("%d %d %d\n", (int)(-1.0/0.0), (int)(0.0/0.0), (int)(1.0/0.0));
with gcc and clang.
With GCC (4.7.2), we get
-2147483648 -2147483648 -2147483648
and with clang (3.3), we get
-2147483648 0 2147483647
and with Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1) in 2023, we get:
1840985120 -2033041452 35979112
Which one is correct? :)
NOTE: make all
will compile fun.c but to provide a different compiler
you can do something like:
make CC=clang fun
Author’s remarks:
A tiny implementation of command-line sparkline data visualization.
$ ./sparkl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
$ echo "sparkline of file lengths: $(wc -c * | awk '{print $1}' | xargs ./sparkl)"
sparkline of file sizes: ▁▁▁▃▃▂▁▂▁▁▉
NOTE: this has been provided in so you can try:
instead (which also uses).
This is a handy little tool for visualizing numeric series from the
command line, using sparklines. Pass it a numeric series as arguments, and
will display a sparkline graph, which you can use to very quickly get a
sense of the shape of your data.
- Crashes with 0 arguments. It’d be trivial to fix, but adds a few bytes to the code.
- Produces bogus graphs when given > about 5000 arguments.
- Only works if your terminal is UTF-8 and your font supports the 8 glyphs used.
- Produces a few harmless compiler warnings.
The code is very terse. I was torn between submitting this version, and a
one-line version compressed using a couple more -D
Hand-rolled UTF-8 sequence, magic numbers (what’s that 7 for?), meaningless variable names, reused variables, and so on.
Edward Tufte invented sparklines (among other things.) Brilliant.
Zach Holman’s ‘spark’ utility was absolutely an inspiration.
As I was writing up this description, I discovered I’m not the first person to write an obfuscated C sparkline utility! Vicent Martí created this one years (!) ago. (My implementation is completely independent.)
Inventory for 2013/dlowe
Primary files
- dlowe.c - entry source code
- Makefile - entry Makefile
- dlowe.orig.c - original source code
- - difference tool
- fun.c - compile and run for extra fun
- - show sparkline length of all files in current directory
- - script to try entry
Secondary files
- 2013_dlowe.tar.bz2 - download entry tarball
- - markdown source for this web page
- .entry.json - entry summary and manifest in JSON
- .gitignore - list of files that should not be committed under git
- .path - directory path from top level directory
- index.html - this web page