IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2014/birken - Best use of port 1701


To build:


There is alternate code that lets you redefine the port to bind to, in case there is a firewall issue, and also lets you redefine the timing constant, STARDATE. See Alternate code below.

To use:

    ./prog < some_secret_or_something

    ./prog http://host[:port]


    ./prog <

or maybe:

    echo "IOCCC 2014!" | ./prog

Next, try in another terminal, as the above one is running:


What happens if you specify instead of a regular file something like /dev/null ?

But there’s more! Try opening in a browser the same address and then see what happens. This is explained by the authors when explaining their inspiration.

Alternate code:

This version allows you to redefine the port to bind to, should 1701 be a problem for some reason, and it also allows you to change the timing as described by the author. See configuration below.

Alternate build:

To specify the port to say, 31337, try:

    make clobber PORT=31337 alt

To change the timing constant, STARDATE, try:

    make clobber TIME=5000000 alt

You can combine them both of course.

Alternate use:

Use prog.alt as you would prog above. Remember that ports < 1024 are privileged ports that unprivileged users cannot use.

Judges’ remarks:

Port 1701? Well this is not the l2f registered TCP/1701 protocol. Sniff the traffic to/from that port. You will see HTTP client and server traffic. The HTML content you may see is static and immutable. Nothing funny with the HTTP status codes. Even the timestamp cookie, once set, remains static throughout the session. The data appears to not be transmitted within the binary content communicated between client and server.

So how does this program do it? A trek though the cloak of obfuscation awaits the reader of the source!

Authors’ remarks:


When launched in web server mode, this application appears to deliver nothing more than a static HTML page. But, in actuality, it allows covert file transfer over the Internet. This is demonstrated by starting the application as a client-side downloader. The hidden transmitted data cannot be reconstructed or even detected from the binary content of the traffic between the client and the server.

To use web server

    ./prog < secret_file_to_be_downloaded

Try using the program’s source code as the secret file:

    ./prog < prog.c

To use client-side downloader

    ./prog http://host[:port]

The optional port defaults to 1701. If the web server instance is started on the same box, try:


It will incrementally display the contents of the hidden file at a rate of approximately 1 baud.

The client-side downloader will automatically terminate if the web server is bounced.

HTML content

Plug the URL into a browser to view a static HTML page containing ASCII artwork.


Studying the network traffic will reveal that the HTML content is static and immutable, the HTTP request and response fields do not contain anything remarkable, HTTP status and error codes are not exploited, no unusual or deprecated features of HTTP are used, and while the cookie is based on a timestamp, its value also remains unchanged throughout the session. As mentioned in the abstract, the data is not transmitted within the binary content communicated between the client and the server. A full explanation of the protocol appears below, but feel free to explore before reading further.


The inspiration for this program comes from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, specifically the final confrontation between the Enterprise and the enhanced prototype Klingon Bird of Prey. The definitive feature of the prototype was its ability to fire while cloaked. But, perhaps even more impressive was its ability to keep an open communication channel with the Enterprise throughout the battle, enabling the antagonist Chang to taunt Captain Kirk with Shakespearian quotes while he slowly pelted his ship with torpedoes. Normally, cloaked vessels must maintain silent running to avoid detection.

The battle is commemorated in the form of ASCII artwork depicting the ships faced head-to-head in the page delivered by the web server. Plus, the program source code is formatted in the shape of a Klingon Bird of Prey. The code itself includes a number of Star Trek references: the registry number of the Enterprise (NCC-1701) is defined as a constant; variable names spell out Cpt. James T. Kirk and Odo (the Deep Space 9 character was played by René Auberjonois who also appeared as Colonel West in Star Trek VI movie); the STARDATE constant makes timing configurable; and, the constant k stands for Khan (in the final engagement in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, the damaged Enterprise managed to disable the USS Reliant’s shield generator by accessing its prefix code: 16309).

Secondary size limit

As obligated by a program that employs 23rd century cloaking technology, when the source is fed as input to IOCCC size tool version 2014-09-23-v19, and the -i command line option is used, the value printed is 0.

Transmission protocol revealed

The client-side downloader relies on the response time of the web server rather than the binary content of the response. The server transmits 1 nibble at a time by counting to the nibble value via a sequence of rapid responses terminated by a long response. For instance, the value 5 would be transmitted by making a series of requests that result in 5 near instantaneous responses followed by a half-second delayed response. The long delay is skipped in the case of 15, the maximal nibble value. With the aid of an ASCII table, it is actually possible to read the nibbles by repeatedly pressing the refresh button within a browser and observing the page refresh delay.

Nibble Count Coding (file transfer protocol NCC-1701) is faster than transmitting each individual bit as a short or long delay because it sends each byte with 2 long delays whereas communicating individual bits requires 8 long delays in the worst case scenario. In fact, Nibble Count Coding is faster than applying Huffman Coding since that is designed to produce compact codes under the assumption that the bit value does not affect transmission time.

The server relies on the cookie to identify each client uniquely, enabling it to transfer the sequence independently to each client.


As with all network communication, accurate transmission of data relies on the nature of hardware revealed through statistics and timeouts set accordingly. The long delay is arbitrarily set to 0.5 seconds. This is microsecond tunable via the STARDATE constant defined at the top of the source code. Increase the value in the event of transmission errors. Decrease the value to download faster and less reliably.

The NCC constant is the web server port number.


Compiler warnings

For space considerations, the following include statements were dropped resulting in compiler warnings:

    #include <asm/byteorder.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/select.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/unistd.h>

It may be necessary to restore some of these under certain environments.

Inventory for 2014/birken

Primary files

Secondary files

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