IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2015/endoh2 - Most overlooked obfuscation


To build:


To use:




Judges’ remarks:

At this point you might be wondering, WTF?*

How is this code obfuscated? Well look again:

    less prog.c

    more prog.c

Where did those underscores come from? Well RTFS!**

** Read the Freaking Source (polite form) ** Read The Freaking Screen (polite form)

If you are still puzzled, look at prog.c with your favorite text editor.

Author’s remarks:

Follow these instructions literally!

    cat prog.c
    gcc -w -o prog prog.c

You will do a double take.

Hint 1: Do less prog.c. You will see an emphasized string if your terminal supports bold.

Hint 2: Do wc -c prog.c. This is very long one-liner.

Hint 3: Open the source with an editor like vim or emacs.

Inventory for 2015/endoh2

Primary files

Secondary files

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