IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2018/endoh2 - Best use of python


To build:


To use:




NOTE: to interrupt the loops send intr (typically ctrl-C).

Judges’ remarks:

And now for something completely different: A program whose metabolic processes are a matter of interest only to historians. It has kicked the bucket and departed to that mysterious country from whose bourne no traveller returns! This is an EX-tremely obfuscated program!

Author’s remarks:

A high-context work that combines parrots that new hackers like and parrots that old hackers like. One is an internet meme called Party Parrot (WARNING: has flashing lights). The other is a sketch comté called “Dead Parrot” from the British sitcom “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” The “Python” in the award name refers to Monty Python, not the [programming language Python]( (the name of the programming language Python is derived from Monty Python).

The shape of prog.c is “Undead Parrot” based on “dead parrot”. The message that appears in the bottom line of the output source code is the subject of the dialogue that appears in “Dead Parrot” and explains in various expressions that the parrot died. Also, the second **__<-_Source_of_Parrots__** line from the bottom of (WARNING: has flashing lights) has a hidden URL (hidden by the parrot’s body).

Although it is a boring Quine story, it is quite difficult to have 10 parrot pictures and 10 lines of data. Only the outline data of the parrot picture is saved, and the body is filled in at runtime. These data are probably compressed with byte pair encoding.

The parrot ASCII art below is the opening line of the Monty Python show. The judge’s comment “And now for something completely different” is also used in the opening.

                      _--          --__
                    _-        _--_     \
                  _-    /\  +-.:.:-+ /\ \
                 /      \/  |.:.:.:| \/  |
                /           |:.:.:.|     |
               /            |.:.:.:|      |       ___-----___
              |              |.:.:|       |      /           \
              |              |:.:.|       |     <   It's ...  |
              \               |:.|       |       \           /
               \               ||        |        ---_____---
             _--\                       |
           _-    -__                    |
        __-         --___               |
      _-                                |
     /                                   |
    |                                     |

Inventory for 2018/endoh2

Primary files

Secondary files

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