IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2019/karns - Most in need of whitespace


To build:


NOTE: we disable the optimiser because this program has problems with it enabled.

Bugs and (Mis)features:

The current status of this entry is:


For more detailed information see 2019/karns in bugs.html.

To use:

    ./prog < textfile_that_fits_on_the_screen

You might want to type:


after running the program to restore the terminal to its previous state.



If you have more time you might want to try:

    ./prog <

Judges’ remarks:

If you typically get lost in mazes, watching this program run might – or might not, YMMV – teach you how to find your way in a maze. The algorithm is well-known but the drawing is amazing!

Before running, make sure that your terminal can accommodate the whole file. Before running make test, make it about 120x40 to be safe, ensuring that you see the @ sign as well as the exclamation mark.

…Oh, and the first M in YMMV stands for “mazing”.

A puzzle for the reader: Can you change the program to consider a diagonal movement as one step?

Author’s remarks:

The Program:

This program is pretty simple! It performs a breadth first search on the specified graph. The graph can be any ASCII text file that has an ‘at’ (@) character, which is going to be the starting location, and a ! character which will be the destination.

The nodes on this graph that are spaces are connected with any directly adjacent nodes that are also spaces. Nodes that aren’t spaces are not connected with anything.

Compiling and Running:

This program usually compiles under both GCC and clang. Build with:

    $(CC) -std=c99 -o tbfs prog.c

where $(CC) is cc, gcc, clang, or some other C compiler.

You can then run it with:

    cat <input file> | ./tbfs


    ./tbfs < maze
    ./tbfs < prog.c


Inventory for 2019/karns

Primary files

Secondary files

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