IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2020/kurdyukov1 - Best utility


To build:


There are alternate versions of this entry. See Alternate code below for more details.

To use:

    # input some text

    echo text | ./prog

    ./prog < file



Alternate code:

There are a number of alternate versions for this program, some in C and some in assembly.

The file prog.alt.c is smaller and does not contain any headers or any workaround for WIN32 based platforms.

The file prog.extra.c has a number of layouts including some for different social media profile covers as well as different shapes.

The files prog.x86_64.asm and prog.x86.asm are the program in assembly for x86_64 linux and x86 linux respectively.

Alternate build:

To build prog.alt.c:

    make alt

Alternate use:

Use prog.alt as you would prog above.

Judges’ remarks:

This hash of a C code makes a hash out of input. Do you understand how? You should get a-round-to-it figuring it out!

Author’s remarks:

MD5 with integers

Just a tiny MD5 checksum utility. Prints hash string of data from stdin. Works the same as openssl md5 | cut -d' ' -f2 command.

My objectives

  1. Reduce code size as much as possible.
  2. Avoid warnings from gcc/clang -Wall -Wextra -pedantic.
  3. Portable (regardless of register size and endianness).
  4. Fit code in a round shape.
  5. Mo macro defines.
  6. No floating-point arithmetics.


The main difficulty of making MD5 code smaller is a 64x4 bytes long table with constants which will take more than 512 bytes in hex encoding. This table is a results of a sine function, so can be generated dynamically, but merging floating-point arithmetics with precise integer calculations is not a great idea, because it can cause portability issues.

Attempts to satisfy clang -Weverything will ruin comma magic, that is so great for obfuscation, so I don’t want to care about that.

Probably, should work correctly on any machines, but I have nothing exotic (like BE or not 32/64) to try it.

Added a macro hack to make stdin work in binary mode under Windows (tested under mingw64), otherwise the hashes can be incorrect.


Inventory for 2020/kurdyukov1

Primary files

Secondary files

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