IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1985 - The 2nd IOCCC

Second year of the International Obfuscated C Code Contest

View the index.html web page for the given winning entry for information on how to compile it and how to run the winning program. Look at the winning source and try to figure how it does what it does! You may then wish to look at the Author’s remarks for even more details.

Hints against machine dependent code were added to the rules to avoid another 1984 style 1984/mullender entry. Rules and results were posted to net.lang.c and net.unix-wizards. Larry Bassel was invited to help in the judging. Awards were given to 5 classes of programs since we were unable to select only the best 4.

Final Comments

IMPORTANT NOTE: See contact.html for up to date contact details as well as details on how to provide fixes to any of the entries. See also the IOCCC FAQ for additional information on the IOCCC.

Winning Entries of 1985 - The 2nd IOCCC

Download all winning entries from 1985

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