IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1985/lycklama - Strangest appearing program


To build:

    make alt

To use:

    ./lycklama.alt < some_file

To see why we recommend the alternate version instead of the original version, see below and the Original code section.


This alternate version, which we recommend you you try first, prior to the original, slows down the output so that you can see what it looked like back in 1985. This will be more enjoyable. It is slowed down by the usleep(3) library call with a configurable time to sleep. The default is 500 microseconds but you can reconfigure it like:

    make SLEEP=700 clobber alt

which would set it at 700. Then, whether you use the default value or not, try:


Original code:

As explained above, because modern systems run this entry way too fast to fully appreciate what it does, we encourage you to first try the alternate version. After this, however, you might wish to try the original version, fixed for modern systems.

Original build:

    make all

Original use:

    ./lycklama < some_file

Original try:

    ./lycklama < lycklama.c
    ./lycklama < lycklama.alt.c
    ./lycklama < lycklama.orig.c
    ./lycklama < Makefile

Judges’ remarks:

Run the program, redirecting a file into it, and notice how it redisplays it. The program itself looks like tty noise.

Author’s remarks:

No remarks were provided by the author.

Inventory for 1985/lycklama

Primary files

Secondary files

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