IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1988/westley - Best layout


To build:

    make all

NOTE: this version is a fixed version for modern C compilers. See the Alternate code section below for how to use the original and why one might wish to do so.



Also try:


to show the code with followed by the result so you can truly see the magic.

Alternate code:

This version is the original which might not work as you expect nowadays.

Alternate build:

    make alt

Alternate use:

To see if your compiler has the problem described in the Judges’ remarks below, try:


Does it show the same output as westley?

Judges’ remarks:

Your compiler must parse

    #define _ -a

as --a and not -(-a) or some other tokenized form. Some strictly conforming ANSI C Preprocessors may object to this: for such compilers, you can elide the non-standard token-pasting requirement by changing the #define line to:

    #define _ F-->00||F-OO--;

This is what the modified code in westley.c does whereas the alternate code is the original.

You might enjoy looking at the output of:

    cc -E westley.alt.c

    cc -E westley.c

Author’s remarks:

No remarks were provided by the author.

Inventory for 1988/westley

Primary files

Secondary files

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