IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1989/fubar - Best self-modifying program


To build:

    make all

Bugs and (Mis)features:

The current status of this entry is:


For more detailed information see 1989/fubar in bugs.html.

To use:

    ./fubar <number>


    ./ # run on 1 - 7

    ./ 2 # run via script
    ./fubar 2 # run directly

Judges’ remarks:

Run this with a single digit argument (or wait a long time and risk an infinite loop and compilation error as described in the 1989/fubar in bugs.html file). This is, however, a feature, not a bug.

The blank line at the beginning of the source is mandatory. Do you know why?

NOTE: the file ouroboros.c is created by the program itself so this is why it is not in the repository.

Author’s remarks:

In a nutshell, this is probably the slowest and most obnoxious factorial program ever written. Unfortunately, the name of the C source must be ouroboros.c; the name is hard-coded into the program.

The source is a legal shell script and a legal C program. The shell script compiles itself, and then executes the resulting binary, giving the source as input. The program works by successively modifying #define lines each pass through.

Both indent and cb will damage the program, indent much more so.

Inventory for 1989/fubar

Primary files

Secondary files

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